Independent Press Gallery condemns arrest of journalist

The Independent Press Gallery of Canada is shocked to see a working journalist arrested for assaulting a police officer in spite of video evidence showing no such thing.

Rebel News journalist David Menzies was attempting to question Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland on her way into a Richmond Hill event when he was arrested by a police officer who refused to give his name and badge number when asked.

Video filmed by Menzies’ camera operator appears to show Menzies angling away from a barrier and the police officer. The video also appears to show the officer extending his arm to block Menzies, which is a far cry from his accusation that Menzies assaulted him.

Police are there to uphold the law and public safety, not to prevent politicians from being asked questions by journalists who the government will not permit to ask questions in official settings.

The Independent Press Gallery calls on police, particularly those tasked with protecting elected officials, to cease the practice of arresting working journalists who are not posing a threat to public safety or breaking the law. 

Andrew Lawton
President, Independent Press Gallery